Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dr. Seymour Papert

When I began my research for this week’s blog on Seymour Papert, it didn’t take long to find the information I needed. There were many web sites highlighted the work Papert has been involved with. I first I explored Dr. Papert’s personal web site. Dr. Papert has been working since the early sixties on ways to better enhance the way that children learn through technology. When he began his work at MIT in 1963 many people laughed at the research he was conducting to integrate the use of technology into the classroom. He dreamed of every student being able to use computers for their personal learning experience. At the time an inexpensive computer for personal use was far from reality.

In his over 40 years of professional work, Dr. Papert has made vast advancements in the classroom technology field. He has founded several technology based programs and foundations including The Logo Foundation which was created to help inform people about his Logo program. Logo is software developed by Dr. Papert that helps students write and create computer graphics. Dr. Papert was also a member of the advisory board for MaMaMedia Inc., a website that was developed by Idit Harel, a former student of his at MIT. MaMaMedia is a fascinating web site that allows students to play safe, fun, educational games on-line. Dr. Papert, who now lives in Maine, has been credited with the first initiative to help every child who is a student in the state of Maine receive a free computer for home use. He know spends time working with the Maine Youth Center to help better educate convicted teen offenders. He is also the co-founder of the Artificial Intelligence program at MIT.

Dr. Papert has done extensive work in improve the way children learn. If you would like to learn more information check out his site here! You can find many articles about Dr. Papert and read many papers and speeches he has personally written.

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